Should I change my location?
So it's a new semester, a new year, and according to a lot of people, a new decade. And I have a new location. I am now mostly Chicago, nearly not Urbana. Yes indeed. In the fourth year of grad school (and marriage) and the fifth year of higher education during which time all I ever had regularly was the summer, I have finally switched things around and made Urbana my temporary home in practice in addition to name. And in a desperate attempt to relive my recent youth, I am in fact once again a registered student at Chicago, playing on an IM broomball team and wondering why the Classics building is so far in the corner of the main quad as I scurry almost late to class in the lovely dark-wood paneled room with too much heat. It is still a strange half-life of belonging nowhere but being everywhere. But it's a better version of it, finally.