Thursday, June 01, 2006

Relaxed haste

I feel remarkably unrushed despite realizing that I will end up in a vague panic within a few hours when I admit to myself that I do, in fact, have too much to do in too little time. This is what plane flights do to me. I think part of my current relaxation is based on my satisfaction with what I have accomplished in the last few days - the wedding plans are more and more done and with luck after one more cake tasting and a florist's email I will have all deposits paid and vendors reserved. Nothing left but picking wine and tablecloths and at this point I hardly care. What is harder for me to believe (and does make me feel rushed) is that my big sister is finally grown up and getting married herself. I look at this phenomenon and still can hardly believe it. My sister who never dated much, has such high standards, always seemed so reserved and shy about relationships now ready to embark upon married life and snuggle unashamedly in the kitchen when we're all making dinner. I marvel at the ability of being in love to change us, not consciously, but rather like erosion and the Grand Canyon on a slightly shorter timeline. It makes me wistful for our younger youths and throws into stark relief what I am about to do myself. It looks wonderful.


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