Saturday, May 13, 2006

My fourth-grade talent

The world breathes. I heard it today in the swell of the swings with the air rushing past my ears as I hung. Back and forth, in and out, a cosmic pendulum. The gentle heaving of a sleeping body - my vision changing as I moved closer to, farther from the ground. It was silent except for the wind and the small creaking of the chains in my hands. Cold out, cloudy, we were alone in the park, Ethan straining on the jungle gym with his pullups. Silent. Concentrating. Not looking at me when he rested. I swung, watching, hearing the wind breathe in my ears. A small sensation of flight - I lean forward at the crest, pull on the chains to jerk myself higher, pump with the legs, lean as horizontal as I can to help my momentum. I haven't been in that world for a long time, but the body remembers. The mind won't forget again.


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