Saturday, June 30, 2007

And then, naturally...

So after my boldly stated ambitions I, naturally, have no new acquisitions from Powells nor have I bothered to do much reading and certainly little that I would consider inspiring or even fascinating (in either a delightful or pitiful way). Instead yesterday I actually did homework in the morning and studied for my next MA exam in the afternoon (greek) and finally went for a run in the evening and then made some slap-dash pesto with chicken for dinner and let Ethan seduce me from more homework with a proposition of a second go-round at Mint Juleps and an evening of bad movies and board games. Which was just fine with me. We popped in All Dogs Go to Heaven which I haven't seen in a very very long time and Ethan tried out his ice crushing skills with our rubber mallet, an obliging stool, and a soon-to-be-punctured ziplock bag. This method was much more successful than this weekend with the blender which granted makes less noise for our neighbors but is also a much more finicky process and therefore less fun (also no banging away with a mallet, one of the many delights I fill my life with). And this morning instead of curling up uncomfortably on our couch I actually had breakfast, listened to car talk, and made Weredog's lemon meringue pie that I've been craving since about four months ago and liked ever since she first made it. The trick is less sugar for the lemons so it ends up as a wonderfully tart and creamy experience. I'm sitting here slowly melting away all my will-power as it cools in the kitchen but I doubt a runny slice would be worth my impatience.
So. A weekend morning gone in the kitchen and work plans for the afternoon. Surely my sloth will return itself soon enough, otherwise I suppose I can always back-post and account for the first six weeks of my summer.


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