Am I fired?
Well, faithful reader (I can see I still have one based on my site tracker, or at least 1.5), at any normal job I'd've seen a pink slip by now (or even a magenta one, for emphasis) and certainly I deserve it. I offer as pitiful excuse the constant ultimate practice, the five classes, the teaching, the traveling, my stubborn refusal to not sleep, and our still fleetingly absent internet (we're waiting for a router - I think it's about time we called them and asked). I am too tired to think clearly at the moment (class this morning was exciting... I hope I can stay awake for the one this afternoon) and waxing poetic seems to have been lost with the start of this program a year ago for which I find myself frustrated which naturally only continues the cycle. Perhaps it's time to abandon my books and move back to the One Good Paragraph restriction (in case of emergency) that has served me so well. I fall asleep sometimes composing sentences for you (and me) - perhaps this retrieved goal will serve as a goad to transmit them again to the world.
I have 20 pages of Walden left - wish me luck!
I have 20 pages of Walden left - wish me luck!
I'm a fan of one good paragraph. It has certainly served you well in the past and we miss the occasional updates. Although I have been a bad blogger too. :)
Cheers TW
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