Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Filling space.. like a goalie in the net

I must confess I am writing tonight without anything to say, mostly because of my internal promise to write something, if only pathetically, every day at which I have been mostly successful, barring occasional extenuating circumstances that imposed great hardship on my internet and/or writing time-frame.

I would like to mention the fact that I ate 8oz of beef tonight and will probably die from Mad Cow disease shortly but I am quite pleased with myself, since I haven't consumed such a large quantity all at one sitting in a long time. The hunger pangs are rather stunning, though, after 2 hours of ultimate followed by another hour of soccer. My Tuesdays are going to be exciting for the next 6 weeks or so. But fun. It is a strange transition between sports. The fields are roughly the same size and the games have similar objectives (although I guess pretty much all sports do - score points, keep the other guy from doing the same) and there are 7 people running around on the field (plus a goalie in this case) trying to work together effectively. Find flow up the field, using lateral and backward motion when necessary to keep things going. I have a terrible instinct to use my hands after playing ultimate which luckily caused no problems today and rarely does, although it takes a great deal of control in certain situations. I was actually thinking it would be fun to have a goalie challenge of sorts, pitting ultimate players and baseball players and football players against each other to see which one transitions the best into a soccer goalie. All three involve spinning projectiles that must be caught at all costs (or in some defensive cases, deflected). While I am sure that real goal-tending is quite an art, I do wonder about the crossover ability of other athletes, much in the same way that 100-meter sprinters can blossom into bobsledding powerhouses, although I suppose Hollywood can't really be held to the task for that one.

Regardless, I have no real point to this and thus no real ending. I will have to think of one, and later (fat chance) give you some sort of Discovery Channel tagline like "despite all these facts and opinions, the mystery of sports-crossover has yet to be definitively resolved".


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