Friday, October 27, 2006

"what would life be like without wishful thinking?"

Happiness comes in the form of a broken-spring seat and chords suffusing the air. I am boosted on my Vegetius which gives me an extra inch of height and hundred pages of knowledge - the seats next to me are empty so I move over to where there is an open spot in front and a short head in front of that. I am centered, 15 rows back right in front of the soundboard. I'm not sure if I'm quick or others are reluctant but I seem to recognize the songs from the first few chords and am alternatively delighted and surprised. Some new things, some old favorites (I'm the man who loves you :} ), a bit of sing-along in which we were complemented as singing like a "fragile mob". The true tale of "Tweedy attacks fan" is revealed, we help remind lyrics a moment later and wait on pins and needles when he steps offstage. His voice is harsh - clearly tired - but he sings on, apologizing at one point and jokingly telling us to demand our money back. But the chording is there, the cascading harmonies and rich assonance. The self-effacing attitude and the patient stands of guitars - six in a semicircle, whisked away periodically by a stage hand I presume for tuning - he seems large looming over the mic on stage but hidden behind the daedalon wood. W aide, h toi theoi audhn eoikas! Ou men eruke phrenas moi trepemen, kataballei de moi hsuxiov upnon. Kalliston.


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